Miryam Aubert – The important needs of babies when choosing childcare

Babies have several key needs that you must ensure your chosen carer can provide in order for your baby to be happy and settled.

Miryam Aubert
Miryam Aubert – needs of babies when choosing childcare

Babies need:

Affectionate, responsive carers. Babies thrive in settings that provide them with the love and affection they crave. The carer you choose must genuinely love babies in order for your child to receive the cuddles and interaction that they need. The carer must be a responsible person who is capable of responding to your babies needs.
A regular routine which they know and understand. Babies are creatures of habit and they feel safe, comfortable and secure in familiar surroundings when following a predictable routine.
Plenty of communication. Although babies cannot talk they can converse through eye contact, touch and verbal noises. The carer you choose should be patient and willing to spend time with your child in this way.
–  A stimulating environment. Babies need to be stimulated in order for them to grow and develop. A safe environment which give them access to age-appropriate toys and equipment is vital.