what can an Au pair do?

Here is a good question, what can an au pair do, well, an au pair can help with the children’s laundry, she can help to pick up the toys that the children leave around the house, she can cook by preparing meals for your children and light meals for the family.

Three are things that an au pair cannot do; not sweeping out the garage, no household maintenance, and au pairs don’t do windows, seriously cause their main responsibility is childcare, an au pair should provide up to 45 hrs per week of care for your children.

When they are little: things like diapers and naps and baths when your kids are older like mine will help them with their homework, take them to their activities like swimming lessons, and they also help with light housework duties like laundry, picking up toys, making meals for them, ironing, occasional vacuum of common areas, basically an au pair is someone who helps take care of the kids and who helps around the house and makes life a lot easier for working and busy mums.